Thank you for your inquiry into the Wilmington Youth Sailing Center. The following sponsorship levels are designed as guide for discussions on how the center can recognize your contribution and support your organization’s goals.

Sponsorship levels

All levels receive an Acknowledgement of Donation

Bronze: $500 – $1,999

Company Name on our website and recognition on Social Media Posts.

Silver: $2,000 – $2,999

Company Logo on website and banners displayed at events and activities.

Gold: $3,000 – $4,999

Large Company Logo on our website and on banners displayed at events and activities, plus recognition as a Gold sponsor on the Annual Giving Donor Wall.

Platinum: $5,000 – $9,999

Large Company Logo on our Website and on banners displayed at events & activities. Recognition as a Platinum sponsor on Social Media and the Annual Giving Donor Wall and the opportunity to Name a Boat in our Fleet.

Diamond: $10,000 or more

Large Company Logo on our Website and on banners displayed at events & activities. Recognition as a Diamond Sponsor on the Annual Giving Donor Wall, opportunity to Name a Boat in our Fleet and Annual letter recognizing your contribution and describing the positive impact it has had on local youth.

Become a Sponsor